International Students

International Students wishing to study at Napa Christian may be admitted through the F-1 Visa program. We currently have 12 international students representing 9 countries from around the world, and we look forward to welcoming more!

International Admissions

If you are an interested student, parent, or agent, the first step in our process is to contact our International Student Coordinator for more information. He can help you assess your learning goals and see how studying at Napa Christian can help you achieve those goals.

The admissions process is quite simple, and occurs in two phases:

Phase 1: Initial Application

  • Complete the Student Application
  • Submit a one page letter introducing yourself, written by you in English.
  • Provide proof of English proficiency in both the Reading/Writing and Speaking/Listening categories. This can be proven in a variety of ways.
    • Submit a TOEFL, IELTS, iTEP, or similar score. Required score varies by grade.
    • Submit a writing sample of your academic writing in English and show listening and speaking proficiency in a video chat interview with a member of the admissions committee.
    • Apply through an agent who independently verifies English proficiency.

Note: Proof of English proficiency is not required for students whose native language is English, or who have been receiving their primary instruction in English for two or more years.

After these documents are submitted, the admissions committee will make their decision. If you are accepted, you will move on to phase two. At this point your acceptance is conditional on your receipt of your F-1 visa.

Phase 2: Obtaining your visa

To obtain your visa, we must issue you an immigration document called an I-20. We need the following documents to do so. All documents must be in English. If translation is necessary it must be completed through a professional agency, personal translations will not be accepted.

  • Completed registration paperwork. 
  • Completed Non-Immigrant Acceptance Information Sheet (NAIS) form. (Link to PDF of NAIS form)
  • Proof of Immunizations meeting CA guidelines and Medical Record Forms 
  • Copy of Passport Information Page
  • Copy of student transcript or report cards, translated by official agency if necessary. Personal translations will not be accepted.
  • Registration and I-20 Processing Fees
  • Proof of sufficient funds to cover all tuition fees and living expenses of student.
  • Bank Statement or Certification of Funds Letter, or
  • Full Payment of Tuition and Fees
  • International Student Sponsor/Host Form (link to PDF) - to be filled out by agent or host family if there is no agent.

If you are transferring from another school in the US, we will need the following additional documents:

  • A copy of your current I-20 and both sides of your I-94.
  • I-20 Verification and Transfer Request Form

Once we have received all required documents, you will be issued and shipped an I-20 along with supporting acceptance documents. It is then your responsibility to make an appointment at your US Consulate or Embassy to apply for your F-1 visa.

Once you have obtained your visa, your acceptance is guaranteed. At this point any tuition and fees not already paid are due.

Shortly after your arrival in the US, you will be given an updated I-20 form showing that you are currently attending Napa Christian. You must keep this document with your passport and visa for travel.

Tuition and Fees

Click here for the most-current International Student Tuition. Please contact our International Student Coordinator, Dawnelle Ellis, for more information on tuition and fees. She can be reached at 707.255.5233 or at


International students at Napa Christian stay with members of the local community. These hosts provide a bed, bathroom, breakfast and dinner during the week, and all meals on the weekend. We do our best to match students and families so that you will truly feel as if you were at home during your stay here.

Students have two options of accommodations:

If the student is willing to share a room with a similar-aged, same-gendered student the cost is $10,000 per school year.
If the student requires a private room the cost is $15,000 per school year.

Students are generally expected to travel to their home country during the summer vacation. If your circumstances do not allow this, please let us know right away.