About Napa Christian

Napa Christian Campus of Education

The Napa Christian community is one of passion, curiosity, and friendliness. Creating a safe, engaging, and spiritually enriching campus environment that supports lifelong learning is our top priority. We seek students whose curiosity drives them to explore and who we believe will best embody our school values of excellence, responsibility, service, and spirituality.



Napa Christian seeks to cultivate a warm, family atmosphere so that each student and their family feel connected and involved in the community. Because Napa Christian's CONQUESTS program is different from anything else offered in the area, we ask that all families come for a tour before applying, if possible. 



Our educational philosophy takes students beyond the textbook into real, hands-on engagement with their studies. We are looking for students who are enthusiastic about getting out of the classroom to learn! We work diligently to build a compassionate and close-knit community and to make Napa Christian education accessible to all qualified students through tuition assistance.



If you and your child are interested in Napa Christian, arrange a visit to our campus and meet with our amazing teaching team by calling 707.255.5233 or emailing Admissions@napachristian.com.


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 (TNIV) 




This school has been home for my grandson for the past 10 years. I am so impressed with the teachers and their caring in helping him become the best he can be as a student and a person. This has been true all through the years. High school is tough for most kids, but these teachers and the principal have been there for him. Because of our long term positive relationship with NCCE I would highly recommend it to any parent looking for a place where their child will receive individualized attention with teachers and staff who truly care. Thank you, NCCE! You are the best!

Shirley, Grandparent


CONQUESTS Handbook (TK-8th Grade)

All School Handbook